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Fleeing the war across oceans

Photovoice project

Lotterywest Logo
Healthway Logo
Curtin University Logo


Hello and welcome to the Ukraine Photovoice Project website! This project is funded by the Healthway and Lotterywest and is conducted by Professor Jaya Dantas, Dr Tetiana Bogachenko, and research team from Curtin University. It is assisted by photographer and graphic designer Yuan Lim, Larysa Chybis, Georgia Griffin, Fleur McLennon, and Erin Mitchell.

This project aims to develop a better understanding of how displaced persons (DPs) from Ukraine are experiencing their long-distance transition to and life in Western Australia (WA), focusing on the impact of displacement on their wellbeing and use of language(s).

The Ukrainian DPs were invited to reflect on and share their experiences in a creative and meaningful way through interviews and photography. The service providers, employers, and community/non-for-profit/charitable organisations in WA were also invited to share their experiences of assisting these DPs. The project has resulted in a photo exhibition to foster community engagement and will create a report with recommendations for policies and services that affect these DPs directly and indirectly.

Copyright 2023

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